Castle Valley
Castle Valley, Utah. A remarkable stretch of scenic highway with some of the most amazing buttes in the world. Any chance Dave’s Dad gets, he’ll take this route to snap some pictures…

Dave and his dad like to take detours on summer road trips. These next few shots are all off Utah State Highway 128, near Moab and Castle Valley.
This picture is of what is called the Convent Mesa — a sandstone summit at 5955 ft elevation.
Above the trail on the hill you can see a glimpse of the Rectory and a bit to the right, a hint of the Castleton Tower - both are on a ridgeline that runs from behind the Convent Mesa to the Castleton Tower.
Photography by Larry Cravens (C) 2019. Used with permission.

Coming around a bend on Hwy 128 you have the Colorado River, Fisher Towers and the La Sal snowcapped mountains.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Close-up of the Rectory and the Priest and Nuns.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Interesting rock formations off Hwy 128 on the way to Castle Valley.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Professor Road pointing to the Fisher and Adobe Mesas with the La Sal mountains in the background.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Parriott Mesa is a 6155 ft sandstone summit in Castle Valley next to Convent Mesa and near the city of Castle Valley.
Guest starring in this shot is Dave’s Highlander.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Lewis and Clarke had a Newfoundland. Dave and Larry had Winston…

Dave and Winston.
While Lewis and Clark had Seaman, a Newfoundland, Dave and Larry had Winston, a Shih Tzu.
Dave is doing his best to suck his gut in for this shot.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

The view through the Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.

Convent Mesa and Parriott Mesa (left to right).
They look like they like to hang out.
Photography by Larry Cravens. (C) 2019.