Posts tagged dcravensauthor
Dave's Virtual Book Tour Schedule...
Dave is fake packing for his virtual book tour…

Dave is fake packing for his virtual book tour…

Look at me, I’m all packed and ready to go! If you want to follow along on all the “stops” of my book tour, click on Dave’s Virtual Book Tour for the full schedule. Some of them are spotlights of the book, some of them are guest posts, some are interviews — there’s a range, people. In all of them you can enter a giveaway for a free book or Amazon gift card. Why? Because I’m told that’s what really drives traffic! We’ll see…

Which is why I packed shirts I would never ever wear in my fake virtual suitcase. Certainly not that salmon colored floral thingy going on at the top. Or those leather driving gloves. I drive a Prius. Oh, and I love the old click and wind camera that still uses analog film! It’s perfect for taking pictures you never want to get developed!

The title of this stock photography was something like “hipster packing.” It beat out “spy suitcase” pictured below.

Here, I appreciated the magenta scheduler and the orange 3.5 inch floppy disk. Made me really nostalgic for my late teens. The gun at first felt very daring, but then some poor soul out there might freak out and think: “What kind of book tour is this!?! Is he planning to shoot the guests?!?”

That would really destroy the whole vibe I’m going for.

Every traveler needs this precise combination of items…

Every traveler needs this precise combination of items…

My Virtual Book Tour kicks off today!

I know! You’re thinking: “Wow! Do I need a virtual reality headset or some kind of space age piece of technology that will instantly transport me into a digital recreation of you being interviewed on stage for your book tour?!?”

Yeahhhh, they don’t work like that.

The good news is, you can used that pocket-sized supercomputer most people call a “phone” and follow my book as it’s spotlighted on a different blog site each day for the next month! I’m doing guest posts, interviews, will get reviewed, the whole spiel.

So head on over to Viviana MacKade’s site today and let me know what you think about my guest post! And leave her a note wishing her son the best kindergarten year ever! Because, that would be nice! And I know, you’re all nice people! Except that one guy out there. You know who you are.